White Hat SEO

Oct 29, 2020

As we get started, let’s get an understanding of what a search engine does. 

When you type words or phrases into the search box, the search engine returns what it thinks is the most relevant information about your search. 

So how do search engines ...

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Speak Local

Oct 22, 2020

Are you a local business that serves a local market?

Are your products or services in great demand by your community?

But wait a minute… 

When people look for you on the web, you don’t show up. 

Why not?

Search engines need local keywords in ord...

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Winnable Words

Oct 15, 2020

What is a “winnable” keyword?

A winnable keyword or keyword phrase means that your efforts can directly affect your ranking for those terms, with a reasonable amount of effort. 

For example, what if we try to rank for the keywords “pet store”? Ac...

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The Language of Search Engines

Sep 17, 2020

Search engines like Google live on words. 

Oh sure, they like other things such as links and social-media but the lifeblood—the meat and potatoes—of search engines are still words. 

So why do search engines care so deeply about words? 

The answe...

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The Language of Customers

Sep 10, 2020

What Words Do You Have In Common?

Have you ever gone to a party and met total strangers?

  • Have you experienced that awkward moment when you cast out, searching to find something you share? 

Whether the topic is sports, food, kids, or gardening,...

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The Language of Digital Marketing

Sep 01, 2020

Effective marketing is driven by the fact that people will not buy from people they don’t know, like, and trust. The same applies to digital marketing!

So how do you get them to discover you and fall in love with your products or services? 

It al...

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